HTC and Nokia Agree to Peace - Nokia finally agreed to terms with HTC patent -related dispute involving two. This agreement will be set forth in an agreement that has been signed .
In the points of the agreement , HTC will make payments to Nokia , while the two collaboration will involve the LTE patent portfolio from HTC that will strengthen future licensing deals Nokia .
Unfortunately there are several articles which can not be known by the public . However , . The two companies will also explore the opportunities of future technological cooperation .
" We are very excited with the achievement of settlement and the establishment of a cooperative agreement with HTC that has long been a licensee for a standard essential patents belonging to Nokia , " said Paul Melin , Nokia 's Chief Intellectual Property Officer , through a release on Sunday ( 09/02/2014 ) .
" As a pioneer in the smartphone industry with a strong patent portfolio , HTC welcomed the birth of a deal that would make us to continue to focus on creating innovations that we offer to the loyal customers , " finished Grace Lei , General Counsel of HTC.
Previously , HTC proved violate Nokia's patents EP1579613 . This patent relates to methods and equipment that allows mobile stations adapting the revision level , based on the network protocol revision level .
But basically , this technology is redundant in HTC devices . So if HTC does not use it is not going to affect the function of the device .
Based on court decisions in Germany , HTC no longer allowed to use this functionality on devices sold in the State Chancellery .