Simple Ways To Keep Slim Stomach - Many sources who asked about beauty and health for our bodies, well .. one of them is how to keep the shape of us to keep a flat stomach and slim?
Because it has a flat stomach and slim is the dream of all men , especially for the ladies ya . If you want to have a beautiful shape of the stomach in a short time , healthy tips you should consider the following and shall be practiced , and you'll get the results in just 1 week only.
Immediately, these tips from us about , Fast and Simple Ways To Keep Flat Stomach or Slim :
1 . Change your diet, you have to replace all of your favorite foods with a sweet tooth by eating healthy foods such as milk, meat, wheat bread , fruit and vegetables in order to obtain a healthy intake for your body .
2 . Sense of stress or anxiety can cause an over - production of a hormone called cortisol , as this can encourage weight gain to be around the abdominal area. The solution to avoid thoughts of anxiety or excessive stress , keep calm so positive thinking man .
3 . You should minimize water retention by lowering sodium intake in the body , which means you should avoid eating foods containing excessive salt . Instead you can membumbuhi food with spices or other seasonings .
4 . You can also burn fat while building muscle your body in a way , doing push - ups and pull- ups at least 15-20 times repeatedly . Other than that you can do jump rope for at least 5 minutes , you should do this exercise 3 days a week . And results in the body burning calories around 500-600 every time you exercise .
5 . In addition to the above exercise , you can also lift the leg in 3 sets and 20 repetitions of each set will help speed you to have a flat stomach and slender .
That natural tips and simple way so that you get a flat stomach or slim , this information may be useful.