Harry Potter & Hermione - Final Harry Potter story might make some fans feel disappointed . The reason , they hoped Harry would marry Hermione .
Unfortunately, the character played by Emma Watson was actually married to the best friend of Harry , Ron . While Harry is married and has a child with Ron 's sister , Ginny Weasley .
Harry Potter author , JK Rowling , regretted the decision and acknowledged that Harry Potter should have married to Hermione , not Ron .
However , he has a special reason for deciding when Hermione is married to Ron . JK Rowling said deliberately write the ending like that because they want bring into reality desire , and do not want to believe that Harry should unite with Hermione .
" That's what happened , really. For some reason the little things that must be done , and the story of the first time I think , Hermione ended up with Ron . I know , I 'm sorry . Anger I could hear the fan , but if I'm honest , the distance has given me another view . that is the choice that I made for personal reasons , not for reasons of credibility , " said JK Rowling .
Emma also agree with the reasons the author , and are sure the fans know it . They believe will be happier when Hermione with Ron . Similarly, as reported by Dailymail , Monday ( 03/02/2014 ) .
" I think there are fans out there who know it well , and do not hesitate to make Ron ( Hermione ) happy , " said Emma