Breast Cancer - This is a very important thing every woman should do from time to time!!!!
At least once a month every adult woman should perform breast self-exams to prevent breast cancer or to detect it in an early stage!
Did you knew, that 40% of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by woman who feel a lump?
1) In The Shower
Using the pads of your fingers, move around your entire breast in a circular pattern. Move from the outside to the center, checking the entire breast and armpit area. Check is you can feel any lump, thickening, or hardened knot.
2) In Front of A Mirror
Visually inspect your breasts with your arms at your sides, the raise your arms high overhead. Look for changes in the contour, swellings, or dimpling of the skin.
3) Lying Down
Place a pillow under your right shoulder and your right arm behind your head. Using your left hand, move the pads of your fingers around your right breast gently in small circular motions covering the entire breast area. Repeat for both breasts.