Journalists portal SquareTrade decided to test two mock tablet kopmanii Apple's impact resistance. The "hot hand" hit iPad tab...
The original test iPad 3
In the hands of the well-known for his original tests, the tester Richard "RatedRR" Ryan, got the third generation iPad. At this t...
New iPad disassembled for parts
Happy New iPad Day! In this video we cover the biggest changes to the new iPad, including the fancy-pants 2048x1536 Retina Display, A5X syst...
New iPad third generation
let's compare the performance of a new and "old" iPad. And compare with the best new iPad triple Android-tablet:
The new Apple iPad - TV Ad - This Good
It's brilliant. In every sense of the world. The new iPad, Demo 2012. Commercial The New Apple iPad "Features"
Apple's New iPad HD
New iPad HD 4G LTE The iPad HD. The display will be a whopping the 2048�1536 - which means it's almost as insanely sharp as a 27-inch iM...
Concept Apple iPad 3
iPad 3 Concept Features Video Awesome iPad 3 concept. This iPad 3 video contains advanced CG iPad 3 features on a new iPad design. A huge st...
Apple iPad 3 will be released in September 2011 ?
The iPad 2 is out and has been a major success for Apple, even with a few concerns with the extra heat the ultra thin tablet generates and t...