How to Eliminate Blackheads And Acne With Natural Ingredients
How to Eliminate Blackheads And Acne With Natural Ingredients - Blackheads and Acne is the worst skin problems that can affect our skin. To remove it, you should never squeeze or scratch. Basically blackheads and pimples is that adorn the face and to better identify types that settle in your face it's good to know the following before eliminating blackheads that this one type of acne consists of two types .

1. open comedo ( blackheads ) look like enlarged pores and black ( black is porous plug that changes color due to oxidation by air ).

2 . Closed comedones ( whiteheads ), has grown over the skin pores are clogged so it looks like small white bumps under the skin. Well if it is to identify the type of attack your blackheads will certainly make the job of how to remove blackheads will feel more focused.

The cause of blackheads and acne is mainly caused by dead skin cells and excess oil glands in the skin . It happens when you are not diligent in cleaning the skin so that the dead skin cells and oil accumulate on the skin surface and then close the skin cells, and there was a blockage. Make up and hair styling products that contain oils can also worsen the situation.

From various references below I present Tips and Tricks ;
Perhaps you never get rid of blackheads and pimples in various ways such as punch or using a special plaster . Not lost even blackheads and pimples become increasingly apparent on the nose . Not to mention squeezing can result nose becomes red and sore. To overcome these problems , here's how to remove blackheads using natural materials quoted from .

1 . salt
Salt it can be used to remove blackheads and pimples . The trick , wash your face with warm water that has been mixed with salt , once daily . Salt can reduce excess oil , this means that salt can help remove blackheads and pimples .

2 . toothpaste
Excessive oil on the face can cause swelling , apply a small amount of toothpaste on the affected area to reduce blackheads and pimples are swelling .

3 . lemon juice
Lemon has acidic properties that can reduce the oil on the face causes blackheads and pimples . The trick , then squeeze the lemon juice and apply water to the area of ​​blackheads or pimples , leave it overnight . Then wash in the morning .

4 . aloe vera
Aloe vera can smooth the skin and accelerate the healing process. The trick, break the stem and rub aloe vera mucus to areas with blackheads or pimples. As a result, the skin becomes fresher without blackheads and pimples .

5 . ice cube
Ice cubes can make the skin shrink pores so that blackheads and pimples hard to get into the skin. The trick, rub an ice cube on the area around the blackhead or pimple for approximately 10 minutes .

6 . white
The trick , mix the egg whites one item and then add 1 teaspoon of honey . Apply on face and let it dry for about 30 minutes . Then wash with warm water . Egg whites can reduce blackheads and pimples while helping to prevent the appearance of blackheads and pimples new .

7 . beet
Combine fruit with a little bit of water until it forms a paste . Then and apply to the face and leave for about 30 minutes . Do this once a week in order to smooth skin free of blackheads and pimples .

8 . white water
Drink more water . With regular drinking water 8 glasses per day can help cleanse the digestive system and makes the skin more radiant .

9 . garlic
Garlic does have many benefits , how to onions can be used to get rid of acne ? It's easy Puree 2 or 3 garlic and finely mashed or blended . Apply on face and acne skin and let stand about 10 minutes and wash with water . Perform routine approximately 2-3 weeks .

10 . tomatoes
Tomato turns out to be useful in addition to remove blackheads , tomatoes can also eliminate acne . It is very easy iriskan tomatoes and rub or paste on the face or location of acne and then let stand 15 minutes - 1 hour , did about 1 month so that your acne disappear .