Liberty Reserve In Close Because of Money Laundering Case
Liberty Reserve In Close -. Regarding the closure of one of media online payment Liberty Reserve . Perhaps friends who do not know what the " Liberty Reserve " , I give a little explanation about " Liberty Reserve " .

Liberty Reserve is one of the e -currency is 100 % backed by U.S. dollars ( for LR-USD accounts ) , or by gold ( for LR -gold accounts ) , etc. are used as a means of payment or investment tool .

Liberty Reserve is integrated with a payment method in the form of account / accounts that operate online , so people can use Liberty Reserve as payment online media in the form of cash ( money ) . Liberty Reserve is LEGAL and facilitate transactions on the Internet .

And this time , after such a long operating legally . eventually one of the official media online payment at closing . Like the news I got from some media sources closure of one online payment is due to the founder / owner of this online payment media caught laundering money or money laundry

Arthur Budovsky Belanchuk , owner Liberty Reserve was arrested on charges of money laundering / money laundry by combined police and police from Costa Rica USA owner Liberty Reserve is arrested in Spain .

Closure Liberty Reserve reminds me with one of media online payments are also popular in early 2000. That is E - Gold are also in the top lid same case .